Hello from RenoTahoe!
My name is Amber and I’m the chemical engineer behind Grow Wild. I wanted to establish the mission for nCo and share my passion for the environment, so first blog post here we go!
Grow Wild nCo is the retail spin off of my Grow Wild Oils, a plant based home product education that aims to provide families with tools they need to run their household while making better decisions for the environment. The RenoTahoe area has a unique responsibility to protect Lake Tahoe - this includes ditching most household chemicals (laundry detergent, dishwasher soap, etc) and switching to natural alternatives. Education is a great way to influence this change and I’m passionate to continue.
But I wanted to do more. We have well established environmental conservation efforts in the Sierra Nevadas that are doing important work and I wanted to support them. The retail items you see here simply serve as an exchange for your donation. I already ask families to consider the products in their household and now I challenge them to consider how they make their purchases.
Our mission is to offer a donation structure for environmental conservation that provides donors with their new favorite purchase.
We are starting at 15% donation and continue to build on this, and well, GROW WILD. We have a local vendor section on the website and hope to grow this selection, but consider all items in the shop exchanges for your donation.
We even offer an educational exchange on our Grow Wild Oils concept on the site, simply add the “tribe” item to your cart!
The donation is our top priority, and our second priority is finding the best products. Most decisions we make center around these choices, and I wanted to make that clear here.
Thank you for all you do,